Here's the blurb: After too many failed relationships, too many shots of tequila, and too many not-so-gentle nudges from her best friend, Sydney Montrose joins an online dating site in hopes of finding THE ONE. During her adventures, she crosses paths with a professional gamer who lives with his parents, a sweet and sarcastic parking enforcement officer, a flirty barista, a mystery man, a touchy-feely former felon, and a clown. Which one will she choose? Well, that's entirely up to you!

And here's the final excerpt, continuing from where we left off. Please forgive the creative punctuation in places:
"Sydney, this is my pal,
Mark,” Sam said.
Out of
obligation, she shook Mark’s hand. The guy was cute, sure, but he was no Sam.
“I’d do anything
for my buddy, Sam. You’ve got a real good guy here,” Mark said, wiggling his
eyebrows suggestively, “and now that I’ve totally scored you a date, I better
be off. Great to meet you, Sydney, and you’re a lucky, lucky man, Sam.”
All buffers gone, it was just Sam and her
and the implications of what Mark said.
Sam broke the
silence first: “I’m officially off work in half an hour. I can’t promise you
there won’t be any touchy and feely, but there definitely won’t be any creepy
or crowdy...You in?”
A grin nearly
split her face in two, “I’m in.”
Well, that's all, folks! I'm officially retiring this blog and moving on to greener pastures. Here's my new home: I'll still be participating in the WWW, but it'll be under my actual name, Julie Evelyn Joyce. So be on the lookout for that! I know many of you have expressed interest in this story and have wanted your own copy. It was something I wrote originally for a particular publisher, but we ended up going a different route with the story, so this one has always been sitting on the back burner. I think at some point I'll self-publish it, and when the time comes, I'll let you all know! Thank you, thank you for your endless support! Much love to you all! xoxo